YHA Sydney Harbour Groups

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Group Accommodation YHA Sydney Harbour

Safety at YHA Sydney Harbour

The safety of our guests is very important. We have a range of safety features in the property to ensure that you and your group members will have a comfortable stay with us.

These include, but are not limited to:

  • 24 hour reception
  • Midnight patrol in the property by night managers
  • Front door is locked at 10pm, back gate is locked at 9pm
  • Rooftop opens between 7am – 11pm, any groups under 18 must be supervised by group leader
  • CCTV throughout the property
  • Keycard security for all guest rooms
  • First aid qualified staff
  • Exclusive lounge for group use
  • Centralised fire detectors
  • Staffs are well knowledged with emergency evacuation procedure
  • Ensuite private rooms and dormitory rooms
  • Individual lockers in each room (own padlocks required)
  • Free, exclusive bag storage for groups before check in, during stay and after check out
  • All beds and bedding are fully compliant with Australian standards
  • Beds are made and ready for group’s arrival
  • Group safety and property induction on arrival
  • Group meals are prepared by professional caterer, suitable for all dietaries
  • Certificate of Use Hygienic Practises for food safety

If you have any questions about our policies or procedures, please contact us to find out more.

Risk assessments

Risk assessments for YHA Sydney Harbour can be downloaded here:

YHA acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of Country throughout Australia. We pay our respects to the elders, past and present, and the extended Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. We recognise their custodianship of the land, sea, & water for over 60,000 years.

YHA Australia is a proud member of Hostelling International - a network of more than 2,650 hostels across 57 countries that share the mission of making travel more sustainable & accessible.