YHA Apollo Bay Eco is so committed to reducing its environmental footprint that we became ECO-Certified! This means you can rest assured knowing that certified hostels are backed by a strong, well-managed commitment to sustainable practices and provides high quality nature-based tourism experiences.
We love our community, so as well as joining our locals in celebrating Earth Hour, we also love to help protect our global community with sustainable initiatives...

Energy/Greenhouse Gas Reduction:
- Passive solar design with thermal storage banks throughout building means our hostel stays warm in winter and cool in summer without the need for any air-con!
- Solar hot water boosted by gas for wonderfully warm washes
- Low energy and timed lighting: no need for lights on in empty rooms
- Low energy electric heating
- Computers turned off at night
- Promotion of public transport, the easiest way to be eco-friendly

Waste minimisation:
- Recycling stations in kitchens, common areas and office areas to recycle anything from printer cartridges or our 100% recycled paper, to tinnies of beer and plastic containers
- We feed our worms your rubbish! All Organic kitchen waste is composted on-site
- Recycle waste from grease trap
- Eco-friendly cleaning products for shiny hostels and a happy earth

Water Saving Measures:
- Rainwater tank on site used to water our wonderful herb garden
- Our toilets and showers are 5 star! Well, WELS 5 stars for water efficiency
- Dual flush toilets and waterless urinal – you have to see it to believe it!
- Signage in bathrooms and kitchens encouraging guests to minimise water usage