Top 10 tips for greener travel
Trotting the Globe can leave a big environmental footprint – So reduce your impact on the planet by following these ten tips...
Conserve water
Plenty of YHA properties already have water-saving taps, showerheads, and toilet flushes (use the half-flush when you can!) but you can also do your bit by taking shorter showers, turning off the tap while shaving and brushing your teeth, washing your clothes sparingly, and using a plug when you wash the dishes. In a country as dry as Australia, saving water is a must – and many YHAs, like Grampians Eco YHA (below), gather water in rainwater tanks.
Fly direct
Take-off and landing are the parts of a flight that billow out the most emissions, so if you’re jumping in a plane, make your journey direct. Even better, catch the train or grab the Greyhound instead – it’s much gentler on the planet and a relaxing way to take in the country – or use the backpacker’s social media app Travello to find new friends and go on a road trip.
Give a dollar to YHA's Sustainable Hostels Fund
Every time you book a stay on our website, you have the choice to donate a dollar to the Fund – and YHA matches your contribution dollar for dollar. The money goes towards making YHA’s network of properties a little greener, installing solar electricity and hot water systems around the country – such as these solar panels at YHA Sydney Harbour.
Shop smart
Buying local produce reduces the amount of emissions needed to transport your food from the farm to your shopping basket – plus, the fruit and veg is fresher and more delicious. Choosing items with less packaging (like from a farmers market) and remembering your re-usable shopping bags also helps. Oh, and you can forget buying disposable plastic bottles – YHA has eliminated single use plastic water bottles from its owned and operated properties, and most YHAs have water fountains with filtered water for free.
Flick off the lights
Simple and effective – like your dad always told you growing up, turn off the lights when you leave the room! And we get it, Australia’s a hot place, but don’t flick on the air-con when an open window will do – AC guzzles electricity.
Join in
If your nearest YHA is throwing an enviro-event, take part! There’s Earth Hour and Clean Up Australia Day in March, as well as the initiatives that individual properties set up – keep an eye out on social media for any announcements!
Leave the car at home
Many YHA locations offer bike hire, and cycling around the city you’re visiting is as good for you as it is for the environment – as ks walking. Failing that, catch public transport – the bus or train is gentler on your wallet as well as the planet than a taxi or car rental.
Go vegetarian
The meat industry produces huge amounts of CO2 and methane, ravages natural waterways to supply the water needed to sustain it, and often treats the animals poorly. It’s just kinder on the world to go vegetarian, especially when you’re travelling. In failing that, easing up on the beef is a good first step.
Swap and share
You’ll find a swap and share table at most YHA properties, where you can leave behind unwanted clothes and other items you no longer need so someone else can use them – an absolute treasure trove on a backpacker’s budget! Similarly, don't forget to take advantage of the swap and share shelves in communal kitchens, which also help reduce waste.
Choose low impact activities
Do some research before you arrive – what are the activities, like bushwalking or snorkelling, which will leave a light footprint on the environment? What are the sustainability issues facing the local community you’re visiting? There's a huge number of ways you can have a blast while learning about and contributing to the place you're visiting, so get creative!
Learn More
Want to dive a little deeper? Here's 6 Ways to be a Better Traveller
Need more inspiration? Check out our Top 5 Eco Friendly Escapes!
Help protect the environment
With a donation of $2, you can help fund sustainability projects to reduce the environmental footprints of both our properties and our travellers.